About us

About us

Whether made for TV, the cinema, exhibitions, museums, events, training, apps, business TV or online – a good film tells its story using both powerful images as well as an emotive sound design. Music, atmosphere, sound and language add an extra dimension to the narrative layers of a film. Our enthusiasm for this fruitful interaction is reflected in our company motto: “Images you can hear”.

Full Service

Zenomuzik oversees the entire production: from the initial consultation and conception stage to the on-set production, from the editing and sound mixing studio through to the final post-production in all digital formats. We search for appropriate music pieces in the public domain or commission exclusive tracks from experienced composers.


From the very beginning, Zenomuzik is on hand to provide advice to its clients, acting as a dynamic partner for companies and agencies capable of sourcing and implementing creative ideas. A crew specially tailored to each individual project’s creative and technical requirements is assembled from a pool of highly motivated professionals. Our films are produced using all current professional production formats: film, HD, UHD 4K, 6k, 8K.